Herbal Simple Syrup
Herbal Simple Syrup
This Herbal Simple Syrup Recipe combines sugar, water and your favorite fresh herbs for a sweetener perfect for flavoring beverages and more. The syrup in the photo is infused with fresh Lemon Verbena.
Herbal Simple Syrup
Herbal Simple Syrup
This Herbal Simple Syrup Recipe combines sugar, water and your favorite fresh herbs for a sweetener perfect for flavoring beverages and more. The syrup in the photo is infused with fresh Lemon Verbena.
Recipe byReese Amorosi
Servings Prep Time
28 10minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20minutes 1 hour
Servings Prep Time
28 10minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20minutes 1 hour
  1. Stir 2 cups of sugar into 2 cups boiling water until dissolved. IMPORTANT: Stay with your pot when you make any type of simple syrup – sugar burns and boils over easily.
  2. Add 2 cups of fresh herbs (packed), simmer on low for 20 minutes, remove from heat, let the herbs infuse for an hour or longer, or at least until cool.
  3. Pour the mix through a strainer several times taking care that all leaf particles are removed. Be sure to squeeze all liquid from the leaves.
  4. Optional step: add a squeeze of lemon to the syrup to enhance the color.
  5. Transfer to a glass bottle or airtight plastic container. Store refrigerated for up to one week (or freeze for up to three months).