Easy Flatbread Pizza
Easy Flatbread Pizza
This Easy Flatbread Pizza is made from yeast-free dough and your favorite fresh toppings, all in around 90 minutes.
Easy Flatbread Pizza
Easy Flatbread Pizza
This Easy Flatbread Pizza is made from yeast-free dough and your favorite fresh toppings, all in around 90 minutes.
Servings Prep Time
10 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1hour 10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
10 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1hour 10 minutes
Flatbread Ingredients
Suggested Toppings
Making the flatbreads
  1. Add the flour, baking powder, and salt to a large mixing bowl. Stir until well combined. If you are adding spices, seeds, etc, add them at this stage.
  2. Add the oil and some of the water and mix with a wooden spoon or by hand, adding water incrementally until a ball of dough is formed. Adjust with flour as you go – the dough should be pliable and moist but not sticky.
  3. Cover the bowl with and let the dough rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Divide the dough into 10-12 equally sized balls. Dredge each piece in flour and form into a 1/4″ thick circle using a rolling pin, or by shaping it with your hands. The shape doesn’t have to be a precise circle, but the dough should definitely be flat.
  5. Heat 2 TB of oil to a cast iron skillet or griddle. Cook the flatbreads one at a time. Fry the first side approximately 2 minutes until bubbles form, then flip and cook the other side. Press down the bubbles on the second side and flip it over for a few seconds, then remove from the pan. Use a pastry brush to add oil to the flatbread as needed (or add additional oil to the pan).
  6. As each flatbread is done add them in a stack onto a plate to cool. Keep a towel over them – the steam will help keep them soft.
  7. Store leftover flatbreads individually wrapped then placed together in an airtight bag or container for 2-3 days. Flatbreads may also be frozen.
Making the pizza
  1. Preheat oven to 400.
  2. Add toppings to the desired amount of finished flatbreads. Place on baking sheet (or direct onto rack for crispier crust).
  3. Bake for 10 minutes or until the edges of the flatbread start to brown. Serve hot from the oven or cool – both ways are delicious.
  4. Refrigerate leftover flatbread pizza – it should be well-wrapped or in an airtight container.