Dwarf and Median Bearded Irises: Jewels of the Iris World (Schiffer) is the latest offering from horticulturist Kevin C. Vaughn. This book focuses on a type of iris that is fairly new to the market, but quickly becoming popular due to its gem-like beauty and versatile size. With cultivars ranging from 4 to 27 inches tall, these irises are manageable for gardens of all sizes, from a small display of containers to a larger green space.
Vaughn begins by explaining the five horticultural classes of dwarf and median bearded irises. This system is based on height, flower size and season of bloom. He also discusses the iris societies dedicated to each of them. The section for each class details that group’s specifications, the breeders pioneering that class, tips to ensure informed selections and successful growing, and a useful listing of favorite cultivars, old and new. For aspiring hybridizers, Vaughn details the “kinds of crosses” that generate each class. Then, later in the book, he covers “the mechanics of crossing.” This expert knowledge comes from Vaughn’s 50+ years experience creating these unique blooms; he has introduced more than 80 of his own cultivars to the market.
Vaughn’s interest in gardening, and these irises in particular, began as a child in his family’s Massachusetts garden. “New England,” he writes, “was a hotbed of iris activity”. Through hands-on lessons from neighbors and correspondence with established horticulturists, he learned about hybridizing. (Eventually this led to Vaughn earning a PhD in genetics). Vaughn’s lifelong association with irises continued with gardens in Mississippi and Oregon; he describes the latter as “a special mecca for dwarf and median irises.”

Throughout the book, nearly 200 full-color photos reveal a kaleidoscope of color and configuration. I was immediately smitten with ‘Small Token’ from breeder Lynda Miller. Vaughn explains, “Good red dwarfs are as rare as hen’s teeth, so it is especially pleasing to have a good red color and fine habit.” Another favorite is Paul Black’s exquisite ‘Queen Mum’. Vaughn describes this pink beauty as representing “a real leap in form.” And I am definitely coveting ‘Ribbit’, a green-lemon marvel by Thomas Johnson. Vaughn singles out ‘Ribbit’ as “one of the few new introductions that I bought two of.”

Vaughn’s Dwarf and Median Bearded Irises: Jewels of the Iris World is a masterclass on these lovely blooms. As an avid gardener I found it to be an excellent read and an exceptional reference book. I am certain I will consult it on a regular basis. I cannot imagine anyone reading this book without being inspired to grow – and perhaps even hybridize – their own dwarf and median bearded irises.
For more information visit Schiffer Books.

Photos courtesy of Schiffer Books, all rights reserved
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Alison A., Massachusetts!
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